Years 5 & 6 Weekly Roundup

This week we welcomed the Year 5 children back after their fantastic time on Colonias.

They shared their scrap books during Literacy and it was lovely to see the work they had completed and learn about the adventures they had during their time away.

Also in Literacy Year 5 learnt about features of chronological reports, the passive and active voice, time connectives and hyphens used to avoid ambiguity and added as prefixes.

In Numeracy this week we were in mental maths mode. We improved our skills in this area by completing practice tests which the children really enjoyed. Year 5 also found common factors and multiples, used our knowledge of squares to draw a natural spiral and solved time interval problems. For homework the children have some rate problems to solve.

Year 6 continue to prepare for the SATS in both English and Maths. The SATS will be in the week of the 30th May.

In Science Year 5 performed two experiments on irreversible changes. In the first they have set up an enquiry over a few days to watch how nails will rust in different liquids such as lemon juice, Coke, salty water and oil. In the second they blew up a balloon by using another irreversible change caused by mixing acid (vinegar) and bicarbonate of soda. They enjoyed this activity so much that we are going to repeat it on Monday morning.

Year 6 continue to use and create their own classification keys. They firstly identified different types of buttercups from information given to them to complete a classification key. Then in groups the children created classification keys to identify a selection of birds, butterflies or bumblebees using photographs. The children then use their expertise to create a trial key for a selection of tree leaves.



In Topic we continued to look at the importance of the Bronze Age and bronze vessels during the Shang Dynasty. We looked at the different types of vessels and the way they were used in everyday life and ceremonies. We read some inscriptions and poems found on these vessels and then wrote our own. We saw how these vessels have given us an insight into life during this period of Chinese history.

bronze age vessel

This is also true of the remarkable Terracotta army.

terra cotta army

We have organised a wonderful excursion to see an exhibition of these in Barcelona on Tuesday 24th May.

Please read the letter the children have brought home giving details of this trip.

Please sign and return to the school reception as soon as possible.


Have a lovely and relaxing week-end.

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